English > Catalan translationSample
The omnipotent Fossilia plans to build a new coal power plant on Barton Meadows. But it isn’t the only one interested in the area: SunBeam wants to build a wind farm there instead. The SunBeam proposal gets unexpected help when Sofia and her friends start a campaign to promote renewable energy.
Sofia soon discovers that this isn’t just an issue for politicians. On the open market, consumers can choose which company they support and what electricity they buy. Once she realises this, it isn’t long before she starts a “Switch to EKOenergy campaign”.
“It’s about the possibility to choose. I’d just like you to think about it.”
La totpoderosa Fossília pretén construir una nova central elèctrica de carbó al Montjuïc. Però no és l’única interessada en la zona: Enersol vol construir un parc eòlic en el seu lloc. La proposta d’Enersol obté una ajuda inesperada quan Sofia i els seus amics comencen una campanya per promoure l’energia renovable.
Sofia descobreix ràpidament que aquest no és un assumpte únicament per als polítics. En el mercat lliure, els consumidors poden escollir a quina empresa volen donar suport i quin tipus d’electricitat volen comprar. Quan se n’adona d’això, no triga gens en començar la campanya «Canviem a EKOenergia».
«Es tracta de tenir la possibilitat d’escollir. M’agradaria que us ho penséssiu».
Information about the comic
In Nov 2014, María translated our comic to Cat. (36 pages, see www.ekoenergy.org). She respected the timing and asked good questions during the process. We got very positive feedback from Catalan readers.
Illustrator: Anita Zaramella
Transtalor: María Carda
Source language: English
Target language: Catalan
Release date of the translation: Noviembre 2014
Number of pages: 36
Number of words: 6000
Format: pdf
Genre: comic
You can download it for free here: http://www.ekoenergy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/ekosofia_Catalan.pdf